The EVE Poly Polishers EVEFLEX Blue Silicone polishers are the ideal bench abrasive for the smoothing and shaping precious metals with a flex shaft, micromotor, or any other rotary tool. The extra coarse abrasive is ideal for smoothing and pre-polishing any metal surface. EVEFLEX polishers are considerably more durable and longer lasting than most silicone rubber polishers and should be operated between 7,000–12,000 rpm (Max 15,000 rpm) for optimal results. Offered in various shapes and sizes, un-mounted and mounted also available.
Custom Field
Arbor Hole 1/16"
Color Blue
Grit Extra-Coarse
Package Size Pkg. of 10
Shape Unmounted Cylinder
Dimensions 7 x 20mm
__AddtoCart Notes3 Catalog Page # 084
__UOM Description Pkg. of 10
__uomdescrip Pkg. of 10
__techspec Y
Diameter 7mm
Item Length 20mm
Abrasive Silicon Carbide